Tuesday 15 December 2015

A new member from Lordshill today at Phyll's ; our subject was Christmases Past.As always, reminiscence ranged with abandon over the last 80 years. Father Christmas was real then, so we wrote to him.Presents were small and simple but food extra special.Decorations were homemade and living trees 'acquired' with a spade in the boot of the old Ford. And in hot East Africa, children ate generous Christmas meals while wondering what on earth was a robin in the snow !
We meet at Phyll's again on Monday January 11th for more entertaining memories from 2 till 4pm.

Friday 13 November 2015

Memoir is now a group of 6 friends. We are sharing such interesting memories and anecdotes. This builds up a detailed picture of each person from their childhood till this third age.One person's memory sparks another's flashback.
Recently, we have written about characters we have known a long time, over the decades.The books are developing organically; plans are flexible and therefore more interesting.

We are not exclusive though ! Anyone who wants to give the group a try, is most welcome. Ring me on 8086 9053 .

We hope Joyce will be able to host the next meeting on MONDAY Nov 23rd from 2 till 4pm. She lives down the end of Shepherds Hey Rd, Calmore, number 25.

Every 20 mins, the 12 bus passes her garden gate for the Richmond Rd/Saxon Pub stop.[100yds away] .I can let you in, if you let me know when,  on: 07752 637152. There are 3 steps up onto her lawn. (bathroom is next to the lounge.)

Sunday 12 July 2015

MEMOIR meeting was held at Myra's instead of Phyll Sillett's ( last minute change due to family problem)

Date brought forward because H and B won't be available next time.
Members present : Brigid, Joyce, Phyll S,and Myra
Hazelle sent apologies.
Image result for fall off bikeBrigid being a bridesmaid in Rhodesia was hilarious with invitations written on Bronco ! Phyll survived wandering as a toddler in the centre of South Shields.Joyce wasn't so lucky and got a fractured skull falling off a bike; fortunately near the General.And I talked about some of the excellent (and some eccentric ) characters who taught us at my secondary school.
Such an entertaining group.Thanks ladies.Hope we get some men to join us one day . . .

Next meeting : at Joyce's.    25 Shepherds Hey Road .     Monday July 20 th .    2 till 4pm.

myra m

Thursday 2 July 2015

June report

Image result for red headsAt a recent meeting at Joyce's house, we discussed Childhood memories of biting insects.   And the horrid things children did for amusement to the said insects.
There was some discussion on familial resemblance and colouring, such as red hair that can skip a generation only to re-emerge in later generations.
Still on the theme of childhood, infectious diseases that are not seen nowadays with the advent of vaccines.   Measles was mentioned with its connection with shingles and the need for the over 70's to get the vaccine.

The next meeting is at Phyllis on Monday 6th July.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

First entry

We met at Phyll's this afternoon to talk about pre-war radio programmes.I had no idea that the 'Ovaltinies' were on Radio Luxembourg.I thought it did only illicit rock 'n' roll.We deplored the lack of health and safety when an 8 yr old struggled to carry an acid filled accumulator to the chemist's for its refill.Fortunately the singing of sentimental songs was brief.We preferred to remember the comedians.
Then we looked at very old photos,blown up on a computer; elegant clothes for weddings in contrast to wonderful sand castles with the children grinning nearby.We'll all bring some old photos next time to aid the delving into our pasts.
I'm happy to write my memoir but others will be using a new style dictaphone.This can be plugged into a PC, so CDs can be burned .Then family can hear their relative voicing their reminiscences .A marked improvement on mere paper and ink.
Next time, we are at Joyce's on Monday June 22nd from 2 till 4pm (25 Shepherds Hey Rd.)
If you fancy giving Memoir a try, please ring Joyce on 8086 6201 or Phyll on 8086 4877 or me on 8086 9053.
All welcome.
Thanks Myra